As a pupil at Harrow School Online, you are firmly in the driving seat of your educational journey, honing skills of independence and self-motivation that will set you up for life. There is no such thing as a standard or typical day – your working patterns will be what you make of them – though establishing a structure to suit your own pace is an excellent starting point.
However you schedule your activities, your school day is sure to contain a great deal of variety, with multiple combinations of group-based live lessons, solo study sessions, House Meetings or meetings with personal tutors, and extra-curricular achievements.
You might begin the morning with live lessons in one or more subjects, held by your tutor within your learning group. These lessons will be interactive, enabling you to pose questions, or join in with real-time discussions. The sessions are also recorded to be watched later, if, for any reason, the live session cannot be attended.
Following this, and the morning assembly, it is likely that you will begin your first self-directed work of the day. At Harrow School Online, we ask our students to commit to five self-study sessions per subject, per week. Naturally, you may complete these at any time – even during evenings, or weekends – though many students will aim to align them with corresponding live lessons. That way, each subject will feel suitably fresh when they re-join the class.
Taking a short break to rest or read, or perhaps catch-up with the peers in your House community, you might next plan to participate in one of our online extra-curricular meetings – contributing to the student newspaper, for example, or mastering board moves at Chess Club. Every Online Harrovian commits to sports, arts and charity works when enrolled, and your parent or carer will encourage this aspect of your personal development by signing off the commitments that you complete away from your desk.
Before the school day ends, it’s likely you will engage in further self-directed study sessions. It may be that you’ve arranged for a one-to-one chat with a subject tutor. Perhaps you’re all set for the next session with your Success Coach, in which you’ll refine your aims for life post-Harrow School Online. Or maybe you will return to the online classroom for a session on Study Skills and Mindsets, enjoying the extra opportunity to develop your friendship network.
At any time, if you’re seeking support, the staff of Harrow School Online will be on standby to assist – as they will be, too, for your parents and carers.
This is not a one-size-fits-all school day, but rather an education for you, to suit your lifestyle. Guided by your personal hopes and aspirations, with the steering wheel in your hands, the journey will lead wherever you want to take it.
Harrow School Online is a fully online A Level school for young people aged 16 - 18. The first of its kind, bringing a world-leading sixth form education into your home.
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