Spanning time-zones to provide a world renowned British education in an online environment ensures that the learning experience is tailored to pupils in the Southern hemisphere. By James Matthews
My Online Schooling Asia Pacific is an online British school which delivers the English National Curriculum with an international focus. As the sister school to UK-based EMEA school, My Online Schooling Asia Pacific offers a distinctively progressive British educational approach to families across the hemisphere, allowing your child to learn live to a timetable that is suited to your time-zone.
Over the past few years, My Online Schooling Asia Pacific has succeeded in adapting the best aspects of bricks-and-mortar international schools to the online environment. Through operating entirely online, they’re able to ensure that our pupils receive the full British educational experience, without the limitations imposed by the four walls of a physical classroom. Whether you are expatriates living in the Asia Pacific region, a family who travel frequently or one who simply values the flexibility online education has to offer, the unique and innovative provision allows children and young people access to a consistent, quality British education that prepares them with the confidence and skills to succeed in the 21st century.
As a pupil at My Online Schooling Asia Pacific, your child will choose from a diverse range of subjects to form a broad and balanced curriculum suited to their educational needs and goals. Interactive, live online lessons are led by fully trained, qualified and experienced teachers who guide pupils in small class sizes through Key-Stages 2 and 3 right through to International GCSEs and A-Levels. The latter courses feature a variety of subject choices, including STEM subjects and modern foreign languages, leading to internationally-renowned British school qualifications that open the doors to both academic and professional opportunities in the UK and beyond.
With pupils located in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Japan and many more, we are proud to be a truly international online school. Learners share lessons with classmates from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, bringing international awareness to every class while upholding the standards of a British education. Beyond the virtual classroom, your child will also have the opportunity to further engage with their peers through regular assemblies, house meetings, after-school clubs and school-wide events and competitions, nurturing their sense of belonging to a unique, 21st century school community.
My Online Schooling Asia Pacific, believe they are pioneers in teaching and learning. With a school that is continuously researching and innovating to determine the best teaching methodologies, educational technology and modes of delivery to ensure they’re meeting the needs of their pupils at all times. As part of this, they understand that the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils has a direct impact on their ability to reach their educational potential. The outstanding Health & Wellbeing team work to support the young people, as well as empower the teachers with the tools and knowledge they need to care for individual pupils’ pastoral needs.
My Online Schooling Asia Pacific was founded on the values of inclusivity and accessibility to ensure all of our pupils are respected, empowered and can therefore thrive in their education. The school fosters confident, independent and digitally-proficient young people who are prepared for their next steps in further study, life and work.
Enrolments now open for September 2021
Join one of our upcoming online Open Events to find out more about how My Online Schooling Asia Pacific could be the right fit for your child.
Open Event registration is available via our website
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